“Having a dream, try to do each day at least a little effort approximating you to it and never stop believing “
During the winter season I skate by several Ice rinks – usually in the North Holland – within max 64km distance from my place.
My current club I represent at the local Dutch competitions is Amaranth and my Head coach is Astrid Winkelman, who has been coaching me since I started in 2019 as a competitive skater. I try to make it maximum possible amount of training hours per week with my Head coach Astrid, which is quite challenging because she herself lives 138 km distance from where I live.
Thus, I am a guest member by other North Holland clubs and I am also happy to train ‘ad hoc’ with other available coaches nearby – to be able to make it maximum possible skating hours per week. Besides commuting challenges, I have to combine TopSport with the college studies, which requires from me a very strict daily regime.
Competition videos of Laura? CLICK HERE